Pennsylvania Zombie Response Team
Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - Printable Version

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RE: Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - Zombie.Hunter - 06-19-2013

In my Zombie Response vehicle, mounted in the trunk are two plastic totes, these totes are my bug out essentials. I have pretty much everything you need to ditch the home. They are my in car bug out boxes. Inside these totes include four light blankets, a large med kit. Water - MRE's - Plastic cutlery( a box from Giant eagle of Plastic knives, forks, & spoons) Glow sticks, Cans of white spray paint, (to mark on trees --I've gone this way or alive this way, Since zombies can't read what I wrote or painted. Have inside the truck offensive melee weapons in the trunk two baseball bats, two tire irons, and much much more. If the SHTF I'm gonna be ready.

Roger from Sector 4

RE: Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - Zombie.Hunter - 04-07-2020

This hasn't been visited in a while, So I figured with current events happening right in front of us, I figured it would be best to re-visit this topic...
So what would you guys consider putting in your BOB, or in "Travel Bag" ?

I personally have a "Travel Bag". Its my bag that would go with me if I have to leave the homestead and get back safely.
I've got it stocked with several items that may be needed if I have to stay out for a day or few.

What items would you consider having in your BOB or "Travel Bag" ?

RE: Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - The War Wagon - 04-07-2020

BY THE WAY... here's a great example of a TWELVE YEAR OLD thread, that still holds GREAT value!  Do use "discretion" in what we delete around here!!!

RE: Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - Zombie.Hunter - 04-08-2020

So I was going thru my Travel bag and this was what I had in it this far... After reading the list what would you add and/or what should I add?

SOG Pocket knife
Two pens & Black sharpie marker
Small bag of matches, obviously for fire starter purposes and pocket lighter
Two packs of Latex gloves
Unopened package/Quick dry towel
Military Grade Compass
Small container of instant drink packs
two fold-able razor blade knives
Small single vision binocular
Small tin can candle
compact mirror (For signaling purposes if needed)
Small medicine bottle of Fuel Sticks (For Fire starter purposes)
Small Folding Hand saw
USMC KA-BAR (Best damn knife around, Hands Down)
Two Packs of Paracord (One reflective green & One flat black)
Small medical kit (Includes Band-aids, Alcohol prep pads, Mini scissors,
Small mess kit (Includes Plastic knives forks and spoons and re-usable plastic drinking straw.
Plastic Protective envelope of important paperwork/Documents ( Automobile Insurance, Birth Certificate, Copy of PAZRT sector map, Allegheny County Map, City of Pittsburgh Map, Pennsylvania Highways and Bi-ways map.

What else should be in my Travel bag? As I said, its designed to get me out and about on supply runs, and maneuvers and back home again... Not destined to be my Bug out bag.

RE: Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - The War Wagon - 04-09-2020

Because I have a three day pack (that I've expanded a bit, with molle pouches), with clothes and toiletries in it, I look at the BoB, as something entirely different - at least compared t what I've seen a lotta people describe in theirs.  Covers a LOTTA of the stuff you have in yours, but mine are pretty big athletic duffels (not MILITARY duffels, but maybe a third of that size).  Keep in mind, I also have 4 teenagers under roof, too Confused , so some of my stuff takes THAT into consideration also.  I'll hafta list the contents here... eventually...

RE: Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - Zombie.Hunter - 04-09-2020

My pack is a tactical back pack, I also have added extra storage molle pouches to carry the added items.
However when hiking or moving anywhere weight should be a consideration. You don't want to tire yourself out just carrying your bag.
Plus in case you have to high tail it out of anywhere you don't want your pack weighing you down.
I also had to add in the consideration of saving room for a few snacks and a bottle or two of water for hydration and hunger concern...
Of course, they're not in my bag at this time but will be stocked in, if and/or when I do have to go out and about.
And to further my success in returning home I have my battle belt.
Law enforcement grade police belt with two firearm holsters and six mag holders, three mags for each weapon and and nice sized straight blade for hand to hand,
close quartered combat/kills. And not to mention if or when I have to venture out when the SHTF I also will prob be carrying my AR-15 with at least 4 - 30 round mags so there's more weight.
So between all, I'm looking at, at least an addition 40-50 pounds.
As I said, if the SHTF, I have no plans of bugging out, I really don't have any other options other than my own home.
No cabin in the woods, no friend's place in the middle of nowhere, and I'm familiar with my current surroundings and my own home so it's really the best place to be.
Too many people make plans to bug out or get outta town and then with no where to go they fall victim to their own stupidity and become just another casualty.
Bug in comfortably and go out only if you need to, for supplies or materials.
Any other reason will get you killed!

RE: Bug out Bag: Links for the new BoB builder - The War Wagon - 04-10-2020

I plan on playing "Alamo" myself.  Yes, I KNOW, that even John Wayne dies at the end, and I'm fine with that.

The "wild card," becomes the mandatory evacuation, and the authorities FORCE you to leave.  Shippingsport goes supernova - industrial spill - wildfire - 

Since all our vehicles are big enough to sleep in, and two of them are 4WD, I figure BIG bags are not as BIG an issue for me, as they are for the guy with a '78 Ford Fiesta!   Confused

If I end up HAVING to hoof it, I have one son who's 20 now, and two who are late teenagers - I've got some help there.  I'd love to tote it ALL, like Arnie in "Commando" Rolleyes , but them days is at least 15 years in the rearview mirror, and getting further away every day!